Just because i like humans
doesn't mean i like you~

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rage Rant~ =)

is anyone else finding this Ellis&Nick yaoi couple disturbing??? (from L4D2)
yes im aware that whenever Ellis is pounced nick is most likely the one to save him...
i love love love Ellis and all... its just seeing people drawing them kissing... and etc. uggh makes me wanna throw up. seriously...aaand another yaoi coupling that isn't real that bugs me is (from Durarara!) Izaya and Shizzy... personally i am a BIG Izaya fan... he's witty and just plain awesome... but the constant vending machines being thrown at him... i don't think they are being thrown out of some twisted way of love. sometimes fan-girls can take things a little too extreme.... i mean i love every good yaoi couples as much as the next. but sometimes they just aren't meant to be.

well then i think that's it for my rage rant
time to think happy thoughts....:iconblushplz:


Rage Rant~ =)

is anyone else finding this Ellis&Nick yaoi couple disturbing??? (from L4D2)
yes im aware that whenever Ellis is pounced nick is most likely the one to save him...
i love love love Ellis and all... its just seeing people drawing them kissing... and etc. uggh makes me wanna throw up. seriously...aaand another yaoi coupling that isn't real that bugs me is (from Durarara!) Izaya and Shizzy... personally i am a BIG Izaya fan... he's witty and just plain awesome... but the constant vending machines being thrown at him... i don't think they are being thrown out of some twisted way of love. sometimes fan-girls can take things a little too extreme.... i mean i love every good yaoi couples as much as the next. but sometimes they just aren't meant to be.

well then i think that's it for my rage rant
time to think happy thoughts....:iconblushplz:

-Kelsey :iconimreallyhappyplz:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Games, Games, GAMES!!!!!~

well lately i haven'teven touched my computer at home because Final Fantasy 13 came out... and i haven't been able to put it down!!!!! 8D

well it started out pretty awesome... got to fight some bad ass robot monster things... then the storyline switched to snow...T______________T
i mean he's great and all... but he fights the monster with his FISTS! i mean COME ON!! how are you supposed to beat up those robot things with your bloody fists?? ITS craziness!!
anywho...... i'm almost halfway through...and finally hope stopped being this winy depressed teen and started being......brave..? lol
OMG vanille is so annoying. her high pitched trying to be half Aussie and half British accent...its slightly annoying.
well back to the good things about the game...
... Sazh is awesome!!!! he is actually the best because he is ranged AND A COMMANDO (pwnage)

8) well i've taken long enough of a break XD back to gaming
ta ta~
P.S. Girl Gamers FTW!! lol i hope to meet another girl like me someday LOL
P.P.S. i've started getting back into sketching (on paper :O) lol right now i'm sketching a big sis from bioshock 2 8D ill post it soon!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


i love pokemon so much !! ever since i was a small child... so i decided to fill out this pokemon drawing meme.. lol

if you cant read it you can view here


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

x; Believe ;x

Cleaning should always be done while blasting music.
Always give second chances, without them you may lose laughs, loves, and friends.
Make wishes; upon stars, on birthday cakes, in fountains. You never know what will happen.
Don't hold grudges, it will only eat you up inside. Life is too short.
Sleeping with a teddybear/blanket has no age limit.
Always tell people how you feel. You never know what tomorrow will bring.
Step outside your comfort zone. If you don't , you will never grow.
Be different, you can never be irreplaceable otherwise.
Cherish letters, cards and read them when your down.
Dance anywhere, everywhere.
Pigouts sessions with friends are a necessity of life.
Everyone eventually finds their happily ever after. Don't give up.
Make sure to walk in the rain sometimes, and breathe in spring air.
There is never a bad time for ice cream.
Try to always find the silver lining, even when its seems like a difficult task.
Primp for leisure, and for yourself.
Remember you have to love yourself first, before you can love anyone else truly.
Wear crowns, play dress up. Their is an inner child in all of us. Never let it perish.
Try food from every culture. Its delicious!
Take photos. Their the closet anyone can get to capturing life's great moments.
Be Thankful. Always.
Best friends are gifts. Treasure them.
Keep a wish box. Put pictures of anything and everything, the impossible, the improbable. Look in it every year and see the changes and maybe in several years. It will all really happen.
Believe in the power of laughter, love, the good in people. Miracles. Believe in life.
Remember sometimes all anyone needs is a hug.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Like a TANK!

Join a game like a TANK
Wait to spawn like a TANK
Wait to spawn like a TANK
Keep waitin to spawn like a TANK
Finally spawn like a TANK
Look for survivors like a TANK
Chase them around like a TANK
Be outrun like a TANK
Eatin bullets like a TANK
Catch a survivor like a TANK
Punch his face in like a TANK
Send him flying like a TANK
Knock his brains out like a TANK
Down his ass like a TANK
Get lit on fire like a TANK
Get enraged like a TANK
Chase the others like a TANK
Get taken down like a TANK
Blame my teammates like a TANK
Join game in progress like a TANK
Spawn as survivors like a TANK
Kill my teammates like a TANK
Get kicked for team killing like a TANK
Join another game like a TANK
Spawn as infected like a TANK
Wait for tank to spawn like a TANK
Spawn as the tank like a TANK
Rape the spitter like a TANK
Chase the survivors like a TANK
Cant catch up to them like a TANK
Pick up cement from dirt like a TANK
Throw it at them like a TANK
Miss by an inch like a TANK
Lose control like a TANK
F**** this game like a TANK

So that's what a normal day is like in the life of the tank
Getting lit on fire and dying
Hell yeah
And im pretty sure you said something about raping the spitter
Nah man
Im pretty sure you did
Nope not me, im the tank
Yeah, no I know that you said it about 400 times
I said im the tank

...well i thought this was funny xD

Valentines Day

Well here comes the time of hear that i don't hate nor love. Valentines Day. Well....i found these ADORABLE Left 4 Dead valentines day cards!! here are some of my favourites!

You can find these & more

...anyways... i've notices the huge BARRAGE of valentines day Amv/Gmv's on youtube... lol i guess people feel obligated to make a video on all holidays xD
well my studio made a valentines MEP xD you can watch it here
....well i don't know what else to put... i'll post again when something interesting happens..